Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have to tell all of you what I just did. I have to tell you so that I will not repeat this very shameful and self destructive behavior again: I just watched The Biggest Loser while EATING BEN & JERRY'S ICE CREAM!! Jillian Michaels is totally coming to kick my ass. I actually am afraid of her - I can't even make eye contact with the 30 Day Shred dvd cover in Walmart. I know this is a terrible thing I just did, really awful.
So how has my training being going you ask? Ha. Last Sunday, not the one we just had but the one before that, yea that one, I ran 2.2 miles on the treadmill. This was a week after the famed first post-baby run of a whopping 2.35 miles. I actually managed to work out several times in between those runs too. Well this most recent run was a mistake. I thought I could just keep using my old shoes until I got the news ones in, but I was very wrong. Plus I only got the new ones in a day after this run. Well here we are 9 days since that last run and my knees have only stopped hurting today. From someone who has had two, albeit minor, knee surgeries I just don't like to mess around with knee pain. So I took a good long break. I have the new shoes and I am going back to the gym tomorrow, but I am going to do some eliptical training - I say this with much determination.
The problem is my gym only has two of the eliptical machines that have the moving arms - they have four of the cheater versions, you know the ones with handles that everyone just leans on. I don't need that temptation - hello eating ice cream while watching the nation's most inspirational fitness show! So I will have to haul it from work and beat out crazy sweatband lady (she always wears one of those braided terrycloth kind that matches her outfit) who barely sweats mind you and the plethora of co-eds that seem to always be present.
Pause here for ranting. Why the hell do Ole Miss students need to join a gym?! You have a perfectly decent athletic facility that is free. FREE! You can save that money, or better yet use it for your weekly social engagements. Don't think your parents don't know that is where all the money goes anyways - and why you now have to join a gym. To work out twice as hard to get rid of all that beer and chicken on a stick. Leave the other gyms to us less fortunate, those who must pay out of our own pockets for our gym membership and therefore trying to make the most of that ridiculous fee and the manic 30 to 40 free minutes that we have to be there. Rant over.

The real reason I have to get back into the gym is that if  I don't start lifting weights and building up some muscle I won't be able to pick up Baby H anymore. That kid is turning into quite the chunk. Relatively speaking. My guess is she has doubled her birth weight by now - my not so little watermelon weighed 8lbs 8oz when she rapidly entered this world, but we will save that story for another time.  

Here is the first of many lasts. And I think that is what is shocking to me, for every 'first' there is a 'last' and I just never expected that.

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