Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I know...I know...

For all 16 of you who read and/ or follow this little blog, here is a solid attempt at not making every other post an apology for a lack of posting.
There it's out there, I am a blog slacker and I know it. The intention of the blog, or blob as some fondly call it, is to keep those of you who live in far far away land informed about our happenings. No they won't be daily, but darn it, surely I can manage weekly right?
So here is a quick Christmas recap: driving, birthday dinner, driving, Christmas Eve lunch, driving, Christmas Eve dinner, crying baby, Christmas morning lounging and SNOW, driving, lunch and then ahhhh...
Would you believe it I was given the gift of a mid-day nap?! Our sweet baby girl took to marathon 2.5 and 3 hour naps at my parents' house (that never happens at our house) and I was allowed to indulge in a rather extravagant 1.5 hour nap myself, unheard of.
It must have been all the lights, present opening and toy playing that wore her out. She had such a big time. We loved having her participate in Christmas this year! She was obsessed with the Christmas trees and their lights, and every gift she saw prompted a chorus of "Open, open open!" Which sounds a lot like "Opie, opie, opie." And all Santa figures got a hearty "Ho ho ho." Just precious, really.

I hope that all of you had a blessed and restful Christmas. I was grateful for all of our wonderful gifts! And thanks to having many helping hands I got to relax. My sister was and still is in town from Austin and while I am jealous of my parents having her all to themselves while I am back at work this week, I am looking forward to this weekend and getting a little more time in with her.
So now I must get to menu planning, I love most all things about a small town, but there are only a few places to pick from for New Year's Eve and while I love all of them, I just can't bring myself to want to get out. I am thinking of a simple gathering a friends with lots of cooking and maybe some champagne? We will see what actually transpires. I can't recall actually being awake for midnight for the past several years, I am such a granny. So if I can find some friends that don't mind hanging out with a granny we might have a plan.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

In violation

Unless you have been living in a cave, or are my sister, you have heard the outcries of the airline patrons and the defense of the TSA agents. Just Google it people...crazy stuff.
It brings a lot of questions to mind. I mean I am sure there are plenty of TSA agents who do not want to be feeling the booties of the overweight American public - yes I said that. Then again for every good bunch of apples there is a rotten one. Conversely, I don't know that I would want to subject myself or my HYPOTHETICAL unborn baby to the radiation emitted by these scanners. And now I will bring it home for you: would you let your sweet wide eyed toddler be exposed to either of these examinations?
Can you imagine?
And here is another question I am asking, where are the airlines on all of this? We haven't heard from them. Well we have heard from pilot unions - and I am with them on minimizing repeated exposure to radiation, but that means repeated pat downs. Eww. Never mind the fact that once they get through the screening process we send them to man their million pound flying machines. But this can't be good for business, what with skyrocketing air fares and paying for you luggage to fly with you.
 Just questioning the effectiveness of the whole process.
And what can those machines really see anyways? Doesn't look like much to me.
Look, don't misunderstand me, I am all for protection and safety. But I am just not sure this is the best way. I don't pretend to know what is the best way. But a three year old screaming at the top of her lungs "don't touch me, DON'T TOUCH ME!" to a stranger, like her parents taught her to do cannot be the best solution.
Thoughts? Offenses? Solutions? anyone is reading this anyway. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Blogoshpere

In the online world most of us read what we relate to right? So most of my blog roll consists of mommy bloggers, a few friends, and some about cooking. Hey everyone has a fantasy, mine happens to be that I will, someday, return to cooking meals for our family. For now the Hubs does it - and man, does he do a good job!
So I am reading these blogs about parenting from the perspective of these moms, most of them with the dry wit and sass that I fancy we have in common. But here is the problem - they are starting to scare me! Most of them are about kids that are older than Not-So-Baby H. Stories about wearing the same princess gown for weeks on end or only eating one certain type of meal (these are not so serious) or others about 6 year-olds refusing to learn to wipe their little heiney or boycotting the pool at swim lessons. Yikes!
They leave me wondering if I am cut out for this parenting thing?  I have a few years to prepare for the crises and battles that lie ahead. I guess I am just looking and praying for solutions that doesn't leave me remembering my child's early years as a constant battle of the wills.
That and maybe I need some new blogs in the rotation - that are not directly about parenting. So throw me whatcha got!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Did you miss us?

I know I have been M.I.A. for a while and I could explain why, or I could have filled the last month with posts of what was happening. But frankly all that whining is exhausting and I am not the only one around here who is tired of hearing a constant stream of high pitched noises. Granted it was all cause by good reason,  in my mind I am totally justified. But I will spare all of you.
Here is a quote that pretty much embodies how I feel about the last week of these several less than stellar ones: I finally got to exactly where I wanted to be, she said, so why won't all these growth experiences go away & leave me alone? - Brian Andreas
I love Brian Andreas art, print, poems etc. Check him out you will love him! Perfect for a pick me up or when you want to write a note and can't think of what to say.
I actually own one of the StoryPeople. It was my very first Christmas present from the Hubs, back when we had first started dating!

Friday, September 17, 2010

You can find me in my bomb shelter

You guys! I have been reading a lot about product toxicity, hormone disruptors and what not. It's enough to make me want to get a bubble for each of us. Except that I can't. Because that bubble might be made of materials that make us grow hair in places it's not supposed to be and release particles out into the air and live in our lungs FOREVER!!  But I digress...that is what you come here for, right? For the digressions. Can you imagine what it is really like to be inside of my mind. Oh the poor sweet Hubs, how does he live with me?
Any hoo. I have several site and blogs that I have stumbled upon and wanted to share them with you. And encourage you to consider your cleaning supplies and toiletry products. Of course I cannot afford to completely start over, but I have decided to replace each product as I run out. So, Wednesday I bought my first what I will call 'safe' product. Some eyeliner. And it is awesome! Stays on all day, doesn't itch. Great so far. And then today I was forced to make a second purchase...don't you hate it when you forget deoderant? Man, I do. A quick trip to Walgreens and I was fixed right up. And that is the great thing, I don't have to always go to crazy places to get good stuff. I can find a lot of good things here in little ole Oxford!

I spend a decent amount of time researching a product before I make a purchase. Here are the sites that have really helped me this week:
The Good Guide        and        Skin Deep
It is totally worth it to check these out. It takes some time, but it's not hard to decipher once you get the hang of it. Oh and I also stumbled upon this great blog: No More Dirty Looks which is quite informative and funny. Because yes you can get carried away, so a little humor helps a lot.

Just something to think about it. With a little research and planning this CAN be done! And it can be accessible and affordable. That is what I hope you will take away from this. You don't have to be all or nothing. You can make little changes, as you go - which is much more effective for a lifestyle shift. Let me know what you think! Or if you have any suggestions for product or site favorites.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Lovin' a long weekend!

And looking forward to a four day work week. It's so nice to be able to skip over Monday and go straight to Tuesday. Our weekend was VERY full. We made it to the in-laws family reunion, after what we thought was the shorter route turned out to be the longer route. Oops. Thanks to my favorite sis-in-law all three of us made it there happy and in one piece. Never hurts to bring some live backseat entertainment for a restless baby.
A baby who decided that she is no longer going to be a baby. This weekend was full of new things! H refuses to let me feed her with a spoon anymore, she can do it all by herself - thank you very much. But she does let me help her so she ends up eating at least 75% of whatever is in the bowl of choice. You can just imagine where the rest of it goes.  She has learned lots of new words and phrases including: Hi, hello Lola, and Hi baby! SO precious. And after over a month of cruising H decided that she no longer needed help getting around. Look mom no hands!!

And one sad 'last' to the weekend. It was the last time that the pool was open until next summer. We have absolutely LOVED going to the pool! By the end of the summer we had a little fish in the water. She went from clinging on for dear life to voluntarily putting her face in the water and jumping off the steps. H also did some swimming, and we are hoping to brush up on those skills at some point over the winter at the indoor pool. Just so she doesn't forget what she has learned from summer. Sadly, like so many things I am not sure we have any pictures of our pool adventures and all those cute swimsuits!
Hope everyone had a great weekend and said good bye to summer and good riddance to all that heat!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Belated Birthday Recap

Well since it has been two weeks since the big celebration I better fill you guys in on all of the happenings before I totally forget them! Thanks to my brilliant sister-in-law for capturing the days events. We had both the camera and the Handycam out for packing, but they somehow never made it into the bag. It's a good thing we know people who like to take pictures, the only evidence of my pregnancy are on the iPhone. Well that and the stretch marks. I digress...
The party was wonderful! It was so sweet to have so many family, from both sides, around to celebrate. And the baby girl was in rare form. She had a big time and showed out for everyone! I think she had a little help in her performance from her first taste of sugar. She was not too sure about her birthday cupcake at first, but after accidentally tasting the icing she was hooked. I had to take it away, I just didn't think she needed the whole large cupcake with that insane amount of icing all at once.
 Baby H loved unwrapping her presents and playing with them. Funnily enough she actually did love the presents more than the paper - quite the change from Christmas!

And most of you may remember this particular toy - I think you are all old enough, maybe. My sweet cousin and her husband found this old school telephone! I remember playing with the very same one when I was little. Of course Baby H has only ever seen an iPhone, so she wondered why this one didn't light up. But she LOVES the wiggly eyes and the dinging.

By the way this first birthday brought all kinds of noises to our house!! Prior to this we only had one or two rattles, not that it kept her from making her own noise. I think out of all the toys she received, only three or four DID NOT MAKE NOISE! So thank you all for that, and my pharmacist thanks you as well... every time he fills my Valium order.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Final day of detox

I survived it! Ha, no really, it was great, after the first few days that is. But now, I notice a significant change in the way I feel. I feel cleaner and lighter. My skin looks awesome and I have more energy. I have to say, the one thing that I have noticed the most is how much better I sleep and fall asleep. Cursed with being a light sleeper, I have always struggled with waking up several times a night, for no reason. This is particularly annoying when it takes a minimum of  thirty minutes to fall asleep. But for the past few days I have gone to sleep quickly and only woken up once!  This waking can be attributed to the 75 ounces of water I am drinking daily. It is nearly impossible to get them all in before 4pm.
Also a bonus, I have lost 10lbs! Woo.Surely a large part was water weight, but who cares?! I feel great. Lighter even. So I am planning to keep up a modified version of this eating plan. And try to do the detox maybe once every two months. Just to keep bad habits like refined sugar and yucky fats at bay. Don't really miss dairy, but I have not been to a Mexican restaurant yet.
Today is the last day of the detox so the Hubs and I are going to celebrate with a movie, woo hoo. He is so excited because my average annual attendance to Malco is about 4 movies, so he will totally go see a girly one with me if it means I will actually go. We haven't decided if we want to see a self-indulgent woman whine and dine her way across the Eastern Hemisphere, or yet another rom-com about bucking the traditional family system. Hey, an escape is an escape and I will take that break from reality for a 100 or so minutes.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

detox: for life!

So I am on day 8 of an 11 day detox isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. It is a 7 day prep with a one day liquid fast and then 3 days post-fast. It is the Fast Track Detox and it really is great, once you get used to it. I did the same author's Fat Flush Plan years ago when I had lots of issues, and it made a remarkable difference in my life. Seriously. So far I have lost 9lbs, most of which I think was water being held by all the nasty things I have eaten over the last year.
I got the Hubs to do it with me, and my sister is doing it long distance - though she is a day ahead, lucky her fast is behind her. The Hubs managed to hang tough for 4 days, but the no gluten and no caffeine was a deal breaker for him. I can't blame him. However, we have both seen a marked difference in how we look and feel and how we think about food. I used to be crazy strict about food but pregnancy has a way of changing things. And I never really got back on track. Reading this book teaches you a lot about food toxins and what they do to your body. Now, there are plenty of things that I love that I cannot wait to eat again, so no finger pointing coming from me. Maybe just not eat as much or as often. But I can tell that this has made an impact on our family and I am very grateful that my husband is embracing this new and improved style of eating for major lifestyle enhancement!
Today is the Miracle Juice fasting day and I have made it to noon, I am halfway through the fasting day!! Sitting down to a mani/ pedi to take my mind off it and reward myself for being disciplined and sticking to it. I will let you all know that I have survived and what the results were!

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Era

Sort of...I am looking at a weekend that will hold two fairly major events in my life. Who knew they would both be on the same day? Well God knew, but He didn't tell me until sometime this past spring. Ha!
This Saturday will hold both my ten year high school reunion and my first child's first birthday! I just let out a huge sigh as I typed that. There is a lot of life that has happened in both of those time lines. Unfortunately we are not going to make the reunion. There is a rather large sporting event in Oxford this weekend, so we are staying here to participate. I am doing the 5k and the Hubs is doing one of the bike rides. I guess this is our way of saying that we are still cool and somewhat fit. Really I am afraid that these events will confirm our worst fears - we are no longer the spry twenty somethings we think we are. This is also the argument the Hubs likes to use for Baby #2, you know the "we aren't getting any younger" one. Somehow that evokes a less than thrilled response about physically carrying another human being for the better part of a year. Another, because Soon-to-No-Longer-Be-Baby H has recently discovered that being held and carried is her favorite thing, next to holding our fingers and following her belly around the house on tiptoe.
Hope everyone has a fun weekend in store.I am hoping that by sometime tomorrow evening I will reminiscing over a glass of wine about the last year of parenthood and comparing it to the other previous 9 or fewer years that seem productive but less full than the last couple have been!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Feedback please

As you can see there is a new look here. And a new title and header. So with all of that I would really like to change the address to go along with it - but I can't figure out how to do it! Well really every imaginable combination of related words seems to be taken. So bear with me as the address no longer matches the title or theme. I am working on it.
I promise this will not become a regular thing, me changing thing up on you all of the time. This was prompted by my background expiring and I figure I can always work with a bird theme. There are lots of metaphors there for family and life. I really should get with it and design my own background and title/ banner...but who has the time?
Any helpful bits of advice or tips are much appreciated!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

All Joy No Fun

Did any of you read the article last week from New York Magazine All Joy No Fun - Why Parents Hate Parenting ? If not, you need to allocate about 20 minutes and go read that right now. Parent or not.
Did you read it? WOW right? Ok, now did you read some of the comments? Let me say that I was rather impressed with several of the readers' comments. Intelligent and insightful even. They gave more weight to the article for me. But back to the article...
Heartbreaking...such a limited view on parenting and the choices (or not) behind it. Look, I'll be the first to tell you that I never saw myself as a mom, or maybe it was just that I never saw myself as what I thought the typical 'mom' looked like. Not that I didn't have a good role model.
And insert aside here:
My mother was/is quite possibly one of the most amazing, accomplished and complicated people I have ever had the pleasure to call friend. And I appreciate all of her qualities even more, now that I have my own child. There is an entirely new level now that we are 3 generations. It's like the bonus round in Super Mario, but without the annoying music. Want to love, understand and appreciate your mother more than you thought possible - have a baby.

...and we're back.

I agree that there are new expectations of parenting as outlined in the article. There is a lot of competition and judgment going around too. And this is just as apparent in the Christian community as it is elsewhere.
I have to agree with one of the comments, but refine it and say that having kids will not make you ultimately happy, neither will not having them. Same goes for being married, getting the job or whatever other goal you have. We have to consider how we measure our happiness. Or our joy.

I have a million verses I could stick in here about where my ultimate joy comes from but here are a few of my favorites:
"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full." John 15:11

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13

And one that is a little harder, but helps me all the time...

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing for your faith produces steadfastness." James 1: 2-4

The joy/ happiness robbing is a 360 problem as well, economy, leave conditions, current social issues, technology and so on influence us in more ways than we know. No wonder our heads are spinning and we are always second guessing ourselves - when every other blog post or news article says there is a newer and better way to do things.
Ultimately we do have a choice. We have the power in this struggle. There were and still are days when I  have to  stop and reevaluate every hour. Am I going to choose joy? Lord help me choose joy, and remain in You for that joy.

I don't have a concrete response for this, I just thought it needed to be shared. Tell me what you think!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What is THAT?!

I love my sweet baby, but for once...just once, I would like to get out of the house without snot or drool on my work clothes. Impossible you say? Well can I at least notice it before I am halfway through the work day? Preferably before I have seen about ten people who are rather important or well known in the community.
Granted, when you live in a small town everyone thinks  they are important - so maybe I have only seen about two important people. But THEY weren't going to say "Hey lady what is that on your pants leg?" Oh this? Hmm, looks like a baby booger to me! It's part of my outfit. It's my final accessory, no ensemble of mine is complete without it. All the mommas are wearing them. What? You don't have one? HOW JEALOUS ARE YOU?!
I mean I could avoid touching her altogether, but how can you resist this:
And thanks for all of your prayers! I am thrilled to report that The Hubs has secured temporary employment. We are all very excited about buying Charmin over the scratchy generic brand for the next little bit. Our bottoms and noses thank you too! Because if there is one thing I hate to sacrifice it is quality TP - and I know many of you are bobbing your heads at your screens right now.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Okay okay okay....

It has not been all doom and gloom over here at the homestead. And we have seen several examples of God's provision for us so I don't want to overlook that. It really has been amazing.  I guess the real lesson so far for me has been realizing that I am really good at trusting the Lord on a short time frame, but not so much on the long one. I mean I was ok until last week - which was week four of Job Search 2010 for those of you who are counting. For some crazy reason my switch flipped and I went into panic mode. But after some prayers, a wonderful chat with a sweet friend, and a couple of serious blessings and one major miracle - I am feeling much better.
There I was telling my dear friend, who is having some struggles of her own, to back up and get some perspective - but I wasn't doing the same thing. So I decided to make a mental list. And here are some of the things I came up with!
1) Since Baby H was born we have not had to buy her a single piece of clothing
2) When we are faithful at tithing - we somehow never miss that money :)
3) Lola has been healthy and a bag of little dog food lasts forever
4) Our house has been much cleaner the last month = very happy me
5) I have lost weight - really it's a good thing y'all, it was a push
6) Our cars are in very good shape and should last us for at least another year or so each, maybe more
7) We have discovered we are very creative chefs

And by 'we' I mean The Hubs. He is the mastermind and I am the brilliant overseer, motivator and all important baby wrangler. Do you know how hard it is to try to get all three of us eating at the same time? It takes some serious inventive skills and sometimes major hustle to pull it off. But WE do! It's important to me that we eat as a family - before homework and soccer practice take over our evenings.

I just wanted you to know that we are all ok over here. It's just a bit of an adjustment. But we are making it, and if I can be of any encouragement - make your own list of blessings. It is so easy to get bogged down in the negatives and the stress that you can't see the good things. But it does take a slight shift to get a good view of all of that.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Choosing joy

I know this is not a revelation. But that doesn't always make it easy. I was driving home from lunch listening to some fabulous music, the sun was shining and my freaking eye was STILL twitching. Anyone following me on Twitter knows this has been going on for about 9 days now. I think it is due to stress, shocking I know.
Any I was driving trying to figure out what exactly was all this stress from? I mean stress comes from worry and is kind of like fear in a way, and I heard from someone once that fear was a distrust in God's ultimate control or plan, or something more eloquent than that. Now my husband says he sleeps like a Calvinist - code for sleeps VERY VERY well. And granted, he is probably not full on Calvinist, but I sure would like to sleep more like him!
This week I have wanted to throw things. That is not a good sign. (I said wanted to people, I haven't lost any McCarty to my frenzy just yet.)
And then yesterday my baby did not want to leave daycare. She didn't want to see me when I picked her up. Devastating. I had to peel her from the shoulder of one of our sweet sweet daycare ladies. And she cried all the way out the door and into the car seat. What a motivator for re-evaluating life. I am sure she can feel the tension at home. Granted, I am sure she just really likes all of the toys at daycare too, and what a nice problem to have.
Then it all came smashing in together in a state of "I don't want my daughter to go into the fetal position every time she sees my face spasm - Dear Jesus please help me let go and let my eye stop twitching!" (And I mean Dear Jesus in earnest, not in vain, for the record.)
So what I am rambling on about is making a choice, a conscious and intentional choice to be joyful, or at the very least to let go of the fear and begin to trust more. Some days I am great at it, other days not so much. I mean some hours I am good at and the other 22 or so, well, it's a toss up. It may be that I need to cut out some of the interference, and maybe cut back on the sugar and caffeine as well.

So after that deluge I will leave you with some cuteness! This is our latest trick!

By the way, can you tell that she loves feeding herself these days? Basically we just strip her down in the sink after and rinse with the faucet hose. No kidding - really we just sit her on the floor and let Lola go to town. It's a two-fer: dog and baby bather! Bonus!!
And I promise I am getting back to my normal, slightly inappropriate, and sassy self. I just need a new haircut.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


We have been busy, and sick, and then not so busy, and now back to busy again! Yes that was all of us. Let's see, for accurate recap: over the past few weeks we have had two sinus infections, one virus, several LONG days of teething, reduction to a single income, sleep disorders, and a minor malfunction with the A/C unit.
In a picture this is how Baby H dealt with the drama:

Snuggled close to dad with her paci and watching a little of the Today Show. I would much prefer this method of coping, rather than having to be all grown up about it.

At the moment I am trying to make Isaiah 12:2 my theme verse: "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation."

I think the most interesting part to me is where the author says that God is their song. I mean first you have to trust - right, ok, working on that. And then overcome fear - getting there. But then after overcoming two HUGE hurdles God is their strength and their song. THE SONG. Think about it. How do most people have to feel before they are ready to sing? Sing out loud even?
I will let you know when I get there...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Ever feel like your life is just the same thing on a different day? Like all you do is stumble to the shower, blur - blur - blur, crash into bed? I have been feeling like this lately. I hate that feeling. Because I know it is not really that way.
I do have some brilliant squeals and drooling grins to break it up, but those are so brief it seems! However, I think I have figured out a way to combat this feeling: Early morning workouts! Now stay with me here. I got up this morning at 5:09am and went to the gym and 2.3 miles and some sit-ups later felt like a new woman! I am serious. I used to do this on a semi-regular basis, pre-marriage, pre-baby...oh wait those happened at the same time. But I really did - early morning boot camps with mom and Dr. Rock and some half-marathon training as well.
This morning I got that feeling, you know the one - the one that is like "man this is awesome, WHY have I not been doing this all along?" Check back for the recap later tonight, I might be singing a different tune. But I am sure with some schedule adjusting I will be fine. And one of the best parts about it? There were no Nike shorts clad collegiates to content with! AWESOME!  There were maybe 5 people in the whole gym, I loved every minute of it, plus the quiet baby-free car ride there and back.
I am really hoping to keep this up. Today was day one. I am thinking I can do at least 3 early mornings at the gym, and then get in some other work outs at home. With all of the crazy happening in my life right now, I just had to make this happen. I didn't want to sacrifice time with Baby H or the Hubs to have some 'me time' so in the words of Gregory Alan Isakov "I'm saving all me sleep for oh another life..."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Follow up to that last one.

I couldn't figure out how to comment with the way I posted that video...
OK the ONLY reason I put it up there was because I thought it was HYSTERICAL!! I mean really funny. With all my trials and tears with nursing Baby H I have to say if I had seen that video then it would have given me the laughs to help me make it through. There is no judgment here at all. Some women love it, some hate it. Some do it for years, some for weeks. I will say that some is better than nothing, but above all the most important thing is a happy momma. Because a happy momma = a happy baby.
I know that it just doesn't work out for some people. I know two people who physically could not do it for one reason or another and you know what? Their babies are FINE.
And yes, all of you who are or may be nursing in the future, you can thank me for thinking about Fergie every time you unclip your bra!

Sure to get stuck in your head...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Learning to be flexible...

Thought you guys would like to see the latest sleeping position. Apparently she was playing and then just passed out, so funny! We have found her like this on more than one occasion. I have no idea how she gets that way because we always put her down on her back. Of course she has been sleeping on her stomach for a couple of weeks now, but this takes it to a whole new level!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Balloons in a bag...

If we can't laugh at ourselves through this crazy journey of motherhood we will make ourselves, and everyone around us miserable! Right?
So this weekend, because I love self-torture, I decided to go bra-shopping for the new post-baby 'ladies' and swimsuit shopping, for the new, but improving post-baby body - IN THE SAME TRIP. Hoo boy! They don't make words for those experiences, but at the least I provided some giggles for my mom and sister. People close to me know I am not modest, and I was not about to leave my support system out on this one - especially in the venture of new support.
Thanks to technologies and advances in textiles the outlook was not nearly as bleak as it could have been. Have you been bra-shopping lately?? It is mind blowing. The last time I went it was, hmm, well...I really can't remember, close to 2 years ago. Shameful I know. I also peel off the last paper towel shreds off the roll and have been known to wear jeans until they are transparent. Anywho...after gathering no less than 32 options, off to the dressing room I went to wrangle and wriggle into some form of womanly shape. After a lot of sweat and a few tears I had marginal success, but success nonetheless and ended up with two that look some what nice and manage to perform the miracle of lifting the worn and torn leftover 'baggage' of my baby's sole source of nutrition for some seven plus months.
Moving on, part two: the bathing suit search! Cue scary music: Duh da DUH!! So there I was 3 pounds short of my weight-loss goal for Memorial Weekend in a sea of Lycra and floral prints. Again thank you to the person who realized that maybe a little ruching and smaller patterns might be more flattering to those of us who are waist-line compromised. So I took an armful of sizes and shapes back to the dressing room, hopeful with all of my options.
Side rant: because you love these - what the hell is wrong with shopping mall designers? It's like they do the whole building and then go "oh crap, what if they want to try the clothes on?!" and then find the dankest place because they are stumped for space, and get the cheapest lighting because the project is already over budget, and the throw up a few ply-board walls and expect us to feel all pretty and sexy? I CAN SEE MY PORES in those lights! Why would seeing my pores make me want to buy a swimsuit - now a sweatsuit is another story but that just isn't practical in 100 degree weather.
I had suits of all shapes and sizes, in desperate hope to find the perfect suit to cover up all the imperfections and not make me look like a...uh...well, MOM! So after lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth,(because yes my idea of hell just might be trying on swimsuits, but trying them on in public, with people watching and the devil purposely hands you suits that are two sizes too small) I found one that I really like. I mean it actually made me look smaller! But of course they didn't have it in the correct size. Sob.
But my sweet mother, who had put up with SO much already whisked me away to Target to find an emergency suit for a memorial day event. I was determined to get Baby H in the pool so we found one that would work - although I still have fears of someone asking me if I am pregnant because it is a loose tankini. I mean how do you answer that question, really? No ass, I am just still fat from the first one, but thanks for pointing it out. Sometimes I secretly want to say yes - just to see the look on their faces, but don't because I will want to slap them for the question that inevitably follows "Oh, so were you trying?"

Man, squeezing my softness into stretchy things really brings out my pretty side doesn't it? Oh well it was all worth it for this precious face!

Sorry about the boob shot - this is the cheap-er bathing suit! :) Oh and later that same weekend my sweet husband ordered THIS ONE in green, online for me since I loved it so much. And yes I look exactly like her when I put it on too!


So I just read Dooce's most recent post - about baby vomit and it was sort of a mirror image of my morning yesterday...the one that started off with Harper coughing so hard that she threw up body temperature formula and a matching amount of mucus. Did I mention I was holding her? And that my saggy boobs provided the perfect container in the form of a shelf bra in my sleep tank top.

Good morning everyone!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Wish To-Do list

As inspired from the MS Revolution, here is my list of things that I really wish I could do, or may eventually do at some point in my life:

1) Get my six-pack abs back
2) Run regularly, this will really help me get #1 accomplished
3) Be fluent in ASL (American Sign Language)
4) Complete a reading the Bible in a year program - actually within a year!
5) Get my Master Sommelier certification

Just things that I think would be fun to accomplish at some point. A few look to be actually attainable.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Wouldn't you know she hasn't figure out the reverse function yet, and turning takes a much larger space.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Raising the water line...

In a matter of days Baby H will reach that unbelievable date where she has been on the outside longer than she was on the inside. Insanity. All those knowing and slightly snide comments "Don't wish your pregnancy away, they are easier to take care of on the inside than on the outside!" Sure, yea, yea, yea...this part is WAY SO TOTALLY AWESOME. Unlike the peeing every hour and ridiculous weight gain.  Now, if you have been paying attention you know that Baby H passed the nine month mark three days ago, but she hibernated 8 days past her due date, so a few more days to go before she crosses the line of outside vs. inside. I told her we are all expecting a full report within  days of that milestone, but judging by the grins and giggles I think she likes it better here on the outside. And I know, for all your biology sticklers out there that technically you are pregnant for 10 months, but who besides meticulous charting people knew they are pregnant the first few weeks?
Denial was a very happy place for me until I slipped up and told the Hubs that I was, erm, like on day 38 or something...oopsies!
This morning was an exciting one in the life of Baby H and a terrifying one for the three pound furbaby. Today was the day Baby H realized...hey wait a minute, you mean I DON'T HAVE to just sit here playing with my toys? I CAN MOVE?! Watch out dust bunnies and unsuspecting leaf and grass bits, there is a grimy baby paw making its way toward you. I am about to get my money's worth out of our vacuum...
Check out her serious cowlick! Oh and did I mention we are working on tooth number seven? I say we because everything around here is a group effort - whether we all like it or not.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Just a rant...

Because it all needs to be said...
To the person who gave us the bright red bath towel for Baby H, do you hate me? Like doing laundry for three people isn't difficult enough. Good thing she is a girl so now that everything is pink, because yes I washed it with other things in my medicine induced and sleep-deprived stupor, at least it all will look like it was supposed to be that way.
To the maker of Banana Republic Jeans, and all affiliated or similarly afflicted clothes making companies, why must you incorrectly size your things? I know we as women really do not have enough to worry about when it comes to personal appearance, but is it necessary to add 2 or even 4 to every size, so even a skinny b*%$# thinks she needs to run her ass around the block. I realize that getting back to my pre-baby weight has taken (is taking) longer than the average supermodel with a personal trainer and dietitian on call is allowed, but really come on. By the way your size 14's are now very baggy on me - so that puts me in a what now? Size 10 in normal people clothes?!
To my wounded, though until now undiscovered, expectations, yes there will always be people with more and better, just as many with less and worse. BE THANKFUL.
And last but not least dear Weight Watchers, while I do love you and everything you have done for me and will continue using your fabulous online program, is it necessary to chastise me for losing weight too quickly? First I am told I am far above my recommended range and then told to slow it down. Waha?

Ah...I feel much better, can someone please pass the pinot?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I really want these!!
Just a cute little something, for that wine that is NOT sitting on my counter right now. It really isn't. New self challange: no wine or beer during the week, weekends only!
It is going to be tough, but I have already lost 11 lbs so this will help me get to my goal. But I am keeping that number to myself! Will let you know when I get there...

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

We managed to make it to Nashville and back for a beautiful wedding! My cousin Hannah survived the flooding and wound up with gorgeous weather for an outdoor wedding at a beautiful venue, even if the managers were a little on the odd side. Oh well! We took Baby H with us and our little road warrior was the perfect rider!
This was the way she rode for almost two hours there and two hours home! She must take after her momma. I swear I have transportation induced narcolepsy. Just put me in something that is moving and I will conk out.
We went up on Friday morning and came back Sunday, so it was a FULL weekend. But it was wonderful to see almost all of my mother's side of the family. There is talk of a reunion - at a beachy location. Who can say no to that?
Things I learned about traveling with an almost 9 month old:
Pack a bag that has one of everything you might need and put it in arm's reach, so you don't have to sift through the BIG bag. You will need more clothes than you think - thank you leaky diapers. A noise machine is essential to good naps!
And lots of family means lots of help, so momma's hand actually got some of that rest that the doctor recommended. Side note: doctor's need to take a special class called Useless Medical Advice for Moms. Come on, 'just give my arm a break,' like that is even an option?! Does he have kids? Oh wait...he has a wife I bet, so I am sure he gets all the breaks he needs. Rant over.
Baby H is doing the Booty Scoot and the Army Crawl. I see lots of socket plugs and cabinet locks in our future. In fact, that is probably what our weekend plans will include. I can barely contain my excitement. Woo...hoo...

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Guess you didn't read the last post huh Baby H? MOTHERS KNOW EVERYTHING!!! And if they don't they find out...isn't that how it went, mom? Apparently she only pretends she can't hold a bottle at home. Of course she already doesn't want to be rocked to sleep anymore, so I guess I should enjoy the last few months of giving her a bottle.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Glad that is over

So, last week was hellatious! Yes that is a word, pronounced hee-el-ay-shus! It was an insane week at work - for a good cause - that ended with some nasty weather and a few threatening phone calls. Oh well, if there is anything that I have learned in my short (albeit full) life, it is that you can't make all the people happy all of the time.
Side step: I remember my mom telling me the quote from Abraham Lincoln at a very young age "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time" - I had a fictional language problem. And I quickly learned that Moms know EVERYTHING! Hear that Baby H? EVERYTHING!! all I have to show for this weekend is this:

I have no idea what I have done. I blame that 19lb baby that I have been toting around. I am going to try this for a week and then see what happens. It was cheaper than a visit to the doctor, but it is really getting in the way of my blogging!

Baby H did attend the delayed, but wonderful Double Decker Festival, and she had a big time. And her first nap on the go. She passed out in her jogger and slept for a good hour while we navigated the crowds and crafts.

We have a busy week coming up. Lots of things on the schedule. Tonight is a public hearing for our not-so-big-but-rather-bad utility company. They want to increase rates by about 27% and that is just ridiculous, considering there are constant issues, boil water notices, I could go on and on. Any tips on how to shame them into better service at a reasonable rate?

I am still struggling with the working mommy guilt, but I have discovered a few things: I like to eat, I like to bathe, and I like to stay out of the rain - all very good motivators for staying right where I am. I never envisioned myself as a SAHM (stay at home mom), I don't think I would hate it, but I don't think I could do it full time either. For a lot of reasons...God bless those women that do.
I would love a few more non-work hours in the day though. I just keep daydreaming about what I could get done if I had an extra hour or two. I would LOVE to play with Baby H more, she is singing, clapping and wiggling up a storm! Now who wouldn't want more of that in their lives? But I would also really like to get a bit more cleanliness and organization done on the domestic front. The dust bunnies are winning this war and by 7:30pm I just don't have any fight left in me. And DON'T get me started about working out. I am doing Weight Watchers and I can tell a difference already. But I miss my daily runs and regular yoga schedule.
I know I can't have it do it all, but is it ok to want to?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What's going on

Here are a few pics for you to see. We have been so busy going and doing that I have had zero time to post!

We finally tested out the swing - Baby H has a love/ hate relationship with the swing. She is so excited about getting in it and going, but then it is like she realizes "Hey, wait a could be holding me, GET ME OUT!"

She attended her first Rebel baseball game, thanks to our wonderful friend Mary Elizabeth! We LOVE Mary Elizabeth, she kept Harper when she was a teeny baby and now she keeps me sane as my running buddy. We even have matching running shoes!

Here is Baby H with some of her friends from daycare. You have to love that she knows she is way to big for the baby seat, but she is making it work. And checking on everyone in the process.

Let me think...what else has she been doing...
OH! New teeth coming in, yes that is tooth number 5 that is here and number 6 on the way. Too bad all I can really get her to use them on is my shoulder. Maybe its the food, I mean how good can those little puffs really be?
Still no movement yet, well that isn't entirely true. She can rotate 360 degrees around in one spot but hasn't quite got the forward motion down just yet. Not that I am in a rush, but man that kid is so PISSED that she can't get anywhere. In the meantime my rather under-toned arms are providing her immediate transportation needs. The union is about to go on strike.

I know you don't come here to read about anything else, but in case you did here is a brief overview of what has been going on in the rest of our lives: Hubs is on a two week break from school, and we are so excited to have him around a little more! And I will take this moment to publicly (yes you 13 are the public) brag on him for being amazing around the house. I don't think I have had to ask him once in about five days to help with something. I just came home for lunch and saw that a load of laundry had been completed. Yes, ladies be very jealous. AND he has a cute booty!
Meanwhile I am dealing with some major delayed working mother issues...everything was going fine until we hit this slightly clingy phase. I may go into details later, and it is not that I want to be a stay at home mom. I just am trying to figure out how to balance it all, remain sane and not propogate some martyr complex in the process. I am reading and praying a lot. It is helping and I will let you know what I come out with on the other end!

Friday, April 2, 2010

So little time...

I am sorry I have not updated everyone on the Bridge Run weekend! As I recap the week's events you will understand why.
The trip to Charleston, SC was amazing! Thanks to these two ladies: Meg and Mary Elizabeth. Meg will have a much more eloquent recap of the run on her blog. She ran with her sister, ran the whole dang thing! ME and I, well we paced ourselves. Thanks ME for not leaving me in the dirt! I have really only run a handful of times in the last month because of work, sick baby, travel, and what not. Excuses aside, we finished in just over an hour, and we figured we ended up walking maybe a mile and running the rest. Not bad for someone who had a baby 7.5 months ago - even if I still look like I had her 4 months ago.
I have come to realize that for some the baby weight doesn't just fall off. For some it hangs around, like a reserve of energy to pull from. Which is good, because some days you don't have time to eat.  I am ok with that, but I am making an attempt to be a bit more proactive about it these days.

Speaking of not having time to eat. After a productive seven consecutive days at work I got a phone call from daycare to come pick up Baby H because she had 101 fever. So we stayed home on Wednesday, to paint our toenails and eat bon bons. Oh wait, that is what some people thought we did. We actually spent most of the day rejecting naps and fighting bottles, not usually a big deal but when the fever climbed to 104, I was a little concerned. I think that is when baby brains actually start cooking. Lots of whining and rocking with a damp washcloth on her forehead seemed to help the most. She managed to get in one nap in momma's lap. Sad, sad baby. 

Thankfully we all survived and I was able to have a very productive Thursday leading a session for Oxford's finest future leaders. Thanks to my mom who came to keep Baby H who was still wavering between 100 and 101. She also managed to clean most of our house, get flowers and so some Easter decorating. I am thinking these super-powered multitasking skills are learned, not inherited like I had hoped.
Today is Good Friday and I am so thankful to have the day off from work. We have had a great morning so far and Baby H is resting up for another round in the baby jogger! Here is a photo of her in her high chair, I think she likes it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

On the road again...

I was in Nashville last weekend and as we speak type I am headed to Charleston, South Carolina with two great friends to do the Cooper River Bridge Run!! I cannot wait, though we might have to call it the Cooper River Bridge Walk before it is all over. Doesn't it look fun??

Really it is such a great run, and it is in such an amazing city. It's really a good excuse to take a trip and eat some good food! I can't wait!

Hopefully we will all return in one piece injury free.

Say a prayer as Hubby will be taking care of Baby H, solo. I am sure they will both be fine, just as sure as I am that they will both be glad to see me return.

Happy weekends to all of you!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Work in progress

Ok, so here is where we are today...
Still a long way to go, but better right? I am planning to get some plants over the weekend. And hopefully either some pictures or a make a giant corkboard to stick on the wall. That way I can change out pictures and things that inspire me. I am also thinking about a fish, though I am not sure who will feed it over the weekend. They can go a couple of day without food though right?
Ugh, I really wish I had a window, sadly  I just look out the ones that are across the way. I am deprived of natural light.

In other news - I may have just eaten melted plastic. Check out the part that isn't blurry, yes that part. That is where the plastic melted and you can see through the container! I am fairly sure that the box these little things come is says microwave and dishwasher safe. But according to recent research - just because you can doesn't mean you should. Clearly.

So here is to a happy weekend to all! I am going to help my very hip cousin tie up, hopefully, all of the loose ends for her wedding! Should be a good time. I need to run, oh yea running. I have been doing some. Can't let those pretty new pink shoes get dusty. I actually made my first attempt with the baby jogger - with the baby IN the jogger! Hoo boy! I was not prepared for that at all. Want to feel really fat and out of shape, go steal a baby filled jogger from the closest workout freak of a mom and try to run while pushing it. I made it a mile and a half. Did I mention that I recently ran/ walked 6 miles? So you can imagine how deflating of an experience it was yesterday to huff anf puff one lap around the park. And I was panicking because I know the whole time Baby H was just like "Go faster woman! Is this seriously all you have got?"
 Next time she is pushing and I am riding!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Could be worse...

When you figure that the average working American spends about 91520 hours actually working in their lifetime, it helps to like what you are doing. But even more importantly, it improves your overall outlook to like where you are working. As in: your office space. I love my job, but I do not love my little office area. It is rather unimpressive, but it is my own fault.  

Unimpressive might be an overstatement, it is depressing! I have been sitting here for almost three years now. It has undergone some changes, thanks to mysterious water damage...I won't go into that story here. My mom helped me do a little furniture shifting and added a little color this weekend. But I need help people! This is a work in progress and I will post the results when I am done.

In other news, I went to the dentist and got THREE fillings! THREE!! I have not had the torture of dental work for ages, and I sure am making up for lost time with that little trip. And I have to go back next week for one more. Out of the kindness of their hearts they only make you do one side at a time. Thankfully the other side only needs one. Oh and did I mention I am going to the girl doctor tomorrow and the eye doctor at the end of the week? Anyone want to trade for my week?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Just had to post this too cute pic of Baby H. She is totally infatuated with our little yorkie - Lola. I mean she LOVES that little furball. I sat H down just after feeding the furbaby and you would have thought she was giving an Oscar winning performance on how to chew on the one side if your mouth with very few remaining teeth.
Lola could care less about Baby H's fascination. It is more like taunting with Lola. "I will come close enough to get your attention and just far enough away that you cannot touch me. Ha ha, you silly little human with under developed motor skills, you can only flap your arms about with no real purpose."
Poor Lola has always been the center of attention until Baby H came along. Though I have to say she has adjusted remarkably well. Much better than I expected. Of course I am bragging on her right now and will most likely come home to little tootsie roll turds in the hallway. Sorry if I have now ruined that candy for you.
This is quite an accurate picture of how Lola approaches life. It's her world and we are just living in it. She has a knack for finding the highest and softest perch and settling there for HOURS! I don't know how to prepare her that her perching days are about to come to an end as Baby H is closer and closer to crawling with each passing day.

Don't freak out, she is not that close. She thinks she is doing something though. She goes from sitting to a face plant in .03 seconds in any attempt to get something shiny or crunchy as she has figured out how to 'throw her weight around.' I see an emergency trip to the pediatrician in our very near future. .

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sick of being sick!

I know I have not updated in a while, but to be honest y'all have not missed anything. But just for fun I will give a brief summation of the week past:
Monday - I was home with a cold
Tuesday - Baby H finally got rid of her rib rattling cough
Wednesday - Baby H got pink eye!
Thursday - we are up from 9pm until 11:30pm because Baby H is wheezing and coughing so hard she vomited...all over me
Friday - doctor says her cough is normal, but SUPRISE double ear infections!
Saturday - blur
Sunday - blurrier
Monday - my boss really nicely says "you don't look like you feel good, just go on home"
Today - somehow wake up worse than the day before

See all the fun you missed? Aren't you glad you are all up to speed on our lives?
The flip side to my being sick is that I have caught up on some reading in the baby manual. I stopped somewhere around month four and as I was thumbing through today I realized, that with very little guidance from the book, Baby H is somehow magically on track. Huh, how 'bout that? We are not total parenting idiots! But I fear that this is really the easy part and I need to be arming myself with books and prayers of strength for the teenage years.

I have also been reading Mark Batterson's book Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity. So far so good, however I am only about twenty pages in. I have learned about heart transplants and muscle memory - fascinating.  A line stuck with me that challenges me to think about the things that break the heart of God. And a new question, about the emotional vs. logical. Where is the place for both of these things in Christianity as it appears today in the 21st century? A fairly educated age I might add. Just ponderings, no answers yet.

Whew, didn't mean to get all deep - it must be the medicine.
I will leave you with a precious picture of our sweet baby. Who graduated to outward facing in her baby jogger! On one of the rare sunny days we have had this week, I was able to get home early to take us both for a walk in hopes that the sunshine would rid us of our funks - sadly it was not to be. This picture was taken just hours before the vomiting coughs. But she looks so cute!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Long day...

As I am sitting here waiting for the cold medicine to kick in I thought I would catch everyone up on the happenings over the past week.
Austin - what a great city! I had an amazing time, mostly beautiful weather, lots of fun with my sister, manicures, Mexican martinis and some shopping - courtesy of mom! I did manage to keep up with my training and pounded out 4.2 miles on a treadmill. Not fun, but I did it. I have to say that while I did miss Baby H and my hubby A LOT, it was nice to have a restful and diaper free few days. Sweet Boo was an amazing host. And I loved everything that we did, but I think one of my more favorite things was drinking coffee curled up on the couch under the blanket and watching The Today Show!

Ok I know these pictures look like all we did was booze it up, but I think those were the only two drinks we had. :) But quintessential Austin beverages, the Mexican martini and a beer michelada style.

So then I was home for not all of three days and drove to Memphis for the Downline Summit for Women.
I went with my wonderful Mom-in-law, um aunt-in-law (is that a real term?) and about 1500 other women. Huge conference led by some really amazing, challenging, and Godly women. Left me with a lot to think about. I will be the first to admit that going into these things I am always so skeptical, and even doubtful. But I went, and I am glad I did. It is going to take me at least a month to unpack everything that I heard, learned and read while I was there. But let me just say - good job Downline on making a conference that was not cheesy or overly warm and fuzzy. Thanks for feeding our intellect and not playing (or preying) upon our emotions.
A few highlights were:
- listening to Miranda Dodson, from you guessed it...Austin, such a unique sound  
- hearing about the three waves of Feminism and how we (women) got to where we are now
- Kay Arthur sprawled out on a table, hysterical
These and so many other things. I am sure that it will take me a while to unpack and sort through everything that I heard, learned and read. I am sure some of it will show up on here so just bear with me. If it is possible I think I came back a little more in love with my husband, our baby and my family.

Ugh, it seems the medicine is keeping me up instead of making me sleepy. Either that or the two naps I took today. I honestly have not felt this bad in a while. I think I am just going to go in there and lie down, pretending to sleep and see if I can trick my body into actually going there. Sleepytime tea I am rather dissapointed in your performance, or lack of, I should say.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Little bean!

I cannot believe that we are rounding out to the halfway mark! While today may be the over-commercialized day of love for some there is a much bigger event happening. Make that two...
First: it is Baby H's half-birthday! Woo hoo! She is six months old today, wow. I cannot believe that all of us are still alive. All of us, including Lola our 3lb. very persnickety Yorkshire Terrier. She has finally adjusted to the fact that the noise making little human is not going anywhere and she is making her peace with is. Baby H is still alive. We did not kill her with less than sterile bottles or by sending her to daycare. Well, the after effects will be years in the making, but I figure if she can survive this long with me she will make it for the long haul.
The other celebration is that I can officially say that I have made my goal of breast feeding! Now, as of about two weeks ago she was no longer exclusively breast fed because I was spending more time with my pump than my baby or my husband - and well, that is just no fun for anyone. But if anyone knows the story of Baby H's first two months of life you know what an accomplishment this is. Let's just say that it involved lots of tears, sleepless days and nights, and pain worse than childbirth - before the epidural kicked in (which by the way never really 'kicked' in, ugh did you know there was a button on those things?!). And I can sympathize on almost every level with dairy cows - not a pretty picture.
But we are here now! And I am so glad that we, all three of us, were able to work out all of the issues.  I need to thank my sweet husband for sticking it out with me and being so amazingly supportive and doing things that I am sure he never envisioned having to do - especially in out first year of marriage, maybe ever.

Side note: yes we somehow (well we know how) managed to get pregnant about a month after we were married, so caution to all you newlyweds and about to be newly weds. We were celebrating our one year anniversary with a two month old at home. Go the math...everyone else did, and they still do.

I would not trade a minute of our crazy lives together though. I have been blessed with a Godly, loving, and mostly unselfish husband - hey no one is perfect! But he lives with me and that deserves a medal, I am totally crazy. And we have a beautiful sweet laid-back (for now) baby. And Lola just puts up with us. What a great life!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Got that Boom Boom Pow

I don't know about chickens jackin' your style, but they sure aren't jackin' mine. Man, I went to my first Zumba class Monday night and I am still feeling it today. Of course since then I have run a few miles and got in most of the Hard Body Yoga DVD, thank you Tari, and thanks mom for the DVD. And if you are counting, yes, it is only Wednesday.
Let me just say that I heart Zumba. Mostly for the music. Let's face it, I am a white girl and I grew up Southern Baptist, and I have the flattest booty you have ever not seen, but somehow, I can dance. Thanks to Mrs. Nadine and the ballet lessons all through grade school I managed to develop quite a bit of rhythm... the sass came all on its own.
Our instructor is just so amazing, that woman smiled and wiggled the whole way through the class. Did I mention she was pregnant? Uh huh, visibly pregnant. So freakin' cute pregnant, that it made me jealous and want to have another baby, but pissed because I would not be the cute pregnant that she was. Just this little bump in the front. As history has proved, I am pregnant from my toenails to my hair follicles. EVERYTHING gets bigger. Hence, Zumba.
It kicked my ass though, I was making all the moves but my cheeks were pink and I was definitely winded. Ha, winded. Anyways I was also one of the bigger girls in the class. Not that I am huge, but just another reason on the list of why I hate that college students can't go freaking work out in their own gym. EAT already! But thanks to M.E. - my partner in exercising crime - we made it through the class and lived to tell about it. And I cannot wait to go back for more of that Boom Boom Pow!

We have a winner!

We are famous - sort of... Harper is Baby of the Month!

Thanks to Kati and the rest of the staff at SnuggBugg Baby for making such great products and for recognizing a cute baby when they see one. I know, I am biased. And thanks to Mary-Kathryn and Kathy for thinking of us and getting us those precious hats and sending me the link to the contest.
I must confess, I will be glad for the warmer weather, but I will be sad when she cannot wear all of her little hats. But we still have some SnuggBugg onesies to show off!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Boo Boo

In four days I will be somewhere warmer and hopefully sunnier than it is here. Ugh, I am over the cold and the rain. Will I be missing my daughter's half birthday? Yes. Will it make a big difference in the grand scheme of things, only her future therapist will know.

I am going to the capital of weird, Austin, TX! I cannot wait. Home of the bats, SXSW, chicken shit bingo and my SISTER!! Since everything else is linky let's just link her up too. Here is her blog. And here is a picture of her on one of her recent travels. She totally looks like she is about to shatter some clays. I am a little intimidated I must say.

While I was rocking a sick wailing baby this morning, I think we  voted Mexican martini's and chicken shit bingo to the top of the list. A Baby H, who mysteriously was crying in her sleep. How do they do that? She felt so bad poor thing. So I let her nap on me. Me, parked in the chair with nothing but my unmentionables on because the world was about to shatter into a million pieces mid-dressing with the screams of pick-me-up-right-now-woman-damnit! (in the south damnit is one word) So there I was, shivering by the light of the iPhone, texting to keep me occupied while Baby H got in a good hour nap. AN HOUR! I was sitting in my undies with a crying slobbering snotty baby on me with nothing for warmth but the little booger monster I was holding. Am I up for mom of the year or what? Ok, maybe not but I do deserve a Mexican martini! 

Anna, otherwise known to her mother as Anna-Kathryn, and to most of the rest of us as Boo Boo, is an impeccable hostess. Now I can't remember who gave her that nickname. Hmm, it was either my Granny or out sweet aunt Sheila. My sister is going to text me right now and tell me - she doesn't forget anything! It started as Anna banana, then Anna Boo Boo, then Boo Boo and now sometimes just Boo. Way before Usher was singing about her.
Anyways I love visiting Boo Boo because once I get there I am on a total vacation. It is like having your own personal GPS, concierge, therapist, and co-conspirator all in one. But one that knows all about you and plays a key role in about 87% of your memories.
I can only pray that Baby H will have a sibling relationship half as close and special as we do. No there is not one on the way, everyone take a deep breath.  One of my favorite memories, I am not even sure I was present for, but I think I was...on a ride home from school one day, I think she was about 5 or 6, she saw a street sign and with a dismayed sigh said "momma, that isn't nice, they shouldn't talk about those slow children that way."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Safer Bath, Safer World

 I really want this little bath ornament from Skip Hop! As if bath time isn't fun enough for us.

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If wedding hoopla makes thousands, then baby hoopla makes millions!  There are so many things out there that are marketed to strike fear into the heart of expectant and new moms. You must have this bottle sanitizer or your baby will get the fatal ick! I could make a long list here but I won't. There are also tons of toys and gadgets promising to make your baby happier and your life easier. Let me tell you that if I have learned a little so far it is this: happy momma = happy baby. And this happy momma doesn't need a ton of baby crap piling up in my 1263 square foot house. So my policy is to have one large toy and once it gets boring we move onto the next large toy. First we had the baby papasan - which was great when Baby H got the Baby Boogies and had to sleep almost upright. Then that was boring. Then we had the swing - magic for managing dinners with the hubby during the early weeks. Now we have the exersaucer/ jumper - I could not shower and dry my hair without this thing!

We have about 6 little toys that we rotate including the BlaBla and Baby H is none the wiser. Sure we will end up with a trunk full of things, but for now we manage this small menagerie. Ugh, though I shudder to think what child marketing will do to her little brain. Maybe it's best to just keep the TV off for the first decade?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Deep sigh of relief

Saw this and it instantly made me feel better about the federal disaster zone that is my house.

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait ’til tomorrow

For babies grow up, we’ve learned to our sorrow.

So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,

I’m rockin’ my baby, ’cause babies don’t keep!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Can we let go?

 Somehow I manage to read blogs, my goal this year is to read actual books. You know the things with all of the papers bound together with words and numbers at the bottom. You probably use them as shelf fillers or if you have a baby, you may use them to fend off the Baby Boogies. I used to read a ton after college and before having a baby. I did, I actually read books, for fun. A lot of them. I didn't have time in college, and I know all of you English majors out there will agree with me. And now that I have outed myself please resist scrutinizing this blog for impeccable grammar, at this time of night I am doing well to just spell correctly...most of the time.

Anyways. I read blogs. Quite a wide variety and as soon as I can figure it out I will link them all up somewhere on here. So I was catching up on one of my more favorite ones Becky and Hollee (their upcoming book is my new favorite mantra "Good Enough is the New Perfect") and came across a guest writer with a new concept. One that I have say, as a full time mom who works full time I really appreciate. This is such a novel idea, and may not be widely accepted. Even less so down here in the south. Saying No - please read this because it is so well written and explains a lot of what I think we (women) struggle with. As I was reading it a friend called me and and I read a bit from the post, she said "I don't know who wrote that but they are my hero." Really, I think there are several things that women need to let each other 'off the hook' for so to speak. We really can be our own worst enemies. Granted we had to work hard to get where we are and all that women's liberation jive, but it doesn't mean that we should ignore some of the innate things within us that make us uniquely female. I think that qualities like compassion, deep understanding and genuine sympathy come easily to us. We just know how to FEEL for another person.

This is to all of the amazing women in my life who manage to do so much for so many. There are a lot of days that I can feel the waterline creeping up just below my nose, and I know I am not in here treading water all alone, so for all of my women out there just know that if you forget to or just simply decide not to write me a thank-you note I will absolutely understand. Assuming I did something worth thanking, my motivation is never the expectation of recognition.